Wallpaper Downloading Website
Advanced Wallpaper Downloading Website Designed & developed by Wordpress CMS. Using ACF technologies, the website is completely dynamic
- Woocommerce Based Wallpaper Products
- Singular Wallpaper Template
- ACF Integration to change data dynamically
- Download Button
- Responsive Design
- Wallpaper Filter Sidebar
- See the Live Preview of this Website
Wallpaper Downloading WordPress Website Design
This is a content-downloading website that is completely designed and developed in WordPress using woocommerce, elementor and ACF (advanced custom fields). The content is “Wallpaper” We simply replaced or used products as wallpaper to make a user-friendly downloading website. Using this website you can easily gather the audiences who are looking for free stock wallpapers. Users can explore wallpaper archives where they can download or filter within the wallpapers
Website Working & Features
The working of this website is simple. There is a list of different categorized wallpapers. Users will find the wallpapers that they want and simply will download them for free. For this, we did not add any signup or registration forms. Whey they enter the wallpaper page, they will have 3 resolution options to download wallpapers like “1920×1080” “128×720” and “1000×600” something. These are placed in button forms. When they click any of one it will get downloaded or open in full screen so that they can save it later.
- Responsive Design
- Dynamic Post Creating Using ACF
- Single Posts Template Design (Elementor)
- Different Category Wallpapers
- Unlimited Wallpaper Uploadings
- Wallpaper Downloading
- Multiple Wallpaper Resolution Options
Themes & Plugins
Will Be Update Soon
Downloadable Files
1. Wallpaper Downloading Website .ZIP
2. Database.sql
Installation & Setup
Generally you will get Files or Credentials According to the CMS on which the Website is Built. Example. If you purchased Website of WordPress CMS then you will get 2 files
- WordPress Zip File
- Database
This Website is Built on WordPress so you will get these 2 files. Now follow the following steps to successfully Setup website on your server & Domain
Step 1: Download these 2 files from “My Account”
Step 2: Prepare and Connect your Domain to a Server.
Step 3: Add domain and Install WordPress on the Server.
Step 4: Create New Database
Step 5: Upload “Website Files.Zip” and “Database on Server”
Please watch this video completely Demonstrating “How to Successfully Install WordPress Files on Live Server”
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