Laptop Skin Selling Ecommerce WordPress website
Single Vendor Customized laptop Skin Selling Ecommerce/Dropshipping Website Build in Wordpress CMS
- Sell Customized Laptop Skins
- On-Page Product Designer
- Predesigned Laptop Skins
- Customization options in all products
- Laptop size and Coverage Options
- Dynamic Pricings
- Email Subscription
- Please see the live preview of this website
Laptop Skin Selling Ecommerce Website Design In WordPress
This is a single vendor e-commerce/Dropshipping Worpdress Website by Elessis Theme (GPL Version). The main core of the website is to sell custom-designed skins for laptops. They are applied either on the back side of the laptop, on a complete laptop, or on the front panel. Users can browse the premade designs that websites have although they can customize the skins according to their style. We have incorporated some customization options like Adding Images, texts, logos, etc. The customizer is also very simple to design a product. So this website is very useful for those who are about to open an e-commerce website in trending business niches.
Website Working & Features
The working of this website is like Anyone who is looking for a custom laptop skin he/she must visit our website. Browse our best designs available. Go to product page select the laptop size and Coverage options like “15 inch” “Back side Only”. A price will be visible click on buy now button and confirm the payment. Else if he/she wants to add their own arts, images, text etc. Just click on “customize” button, a customizer will open. There you can add your stuff.
- Responsive Design
- Product Designer/Customizer
- Single Vendor
- Login/Register Account
- Multiple Product Categories
- Premade Products Added
- Newsletter
- Email Subscription
- Dynamic Pricing
Themes & Plugins
- Elessis (Official Website)
- Elementor
- PRO Elements
- Elementor header and Footer Builder
- Fancy Product Designer (Official Website)
- Royal Elementor Addons
- Slider Revolution
- Woocommerce
- Variation Swatches
Downloadable Files
- database.sql
Installation & Setup
Generally you will get Files or Credentials According to the CMS on which the Website is Built. Example. If you purchased Website of WordPress CMS then you will get 2 files
- WordPress Zip File
- Database
This Website is Built on WordPress so you will get these 2 files. Now follow the following steps to successfully Setup website on your server & Domain
Step 1: Download these 2 files from “My Account”
Step 2: Prepare and Connect your Domain to a Server.
Step 3: Add domain and Install WordPress on the Server.
Step 4: Create New Database
Step 5: Upload “Website Files.Zip” and “Database on Server”
Please watch this video completely Demonstrating “How to Successfully Install WordPress Files on Live Server”
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